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Sunday 19 June 2016

6 Lies Pit Bull Haters Like to Tell

Puppies should be well socialized and neutered early. By: mrvjtod

The American pit bull terrier (APBT) is arguably the most controversial dog breed. Certainly the APBT elicits the strongest range of reactions from supporters and critics of most other breeds.
Occasionally those reactions are spot on; sometimes they’re dead wrong. If you’re a pit bull lover (like I am), chances are you’ve heard at least a few of these common myths from pibble haters.

 1. They Have Locking Jaws

The “locking jaw” claim is a common myth about pit bulls. It’s also 100 percent false.
The pit bull’s jaw is much the same as any other dog’s. In order for this claim to be true, the APBT’s jaw structure would have to be anatomically different from that of every other breed of dog.
And just to dispel any confusion — it isn’t. Generally speaking, dogs have strong jaws, and the strength is proportional to the size of the dog. But no dog’s jaws lock.

2. They Are Unpredictably Aggressive

Any dog can be aggressive if provoked. The American pit bull terrier is no more aggressive than most dog breeds today.
In fact, according to the American Temperament Test Society, pit bulls rank above average in temperament tests across the country. They score higher percentages than some of the most popular breeds, including the golden retriever, collie and cocker spaniel.

3. They Are Used Only for Fighting

Historically, the pit bull has been anything but a fighting monster!
You can find these pit bull stars on the big screen:
  • Petey, the beloved canine companion on The Little Rascals(Our Gang)
  • Champion, the three-legged pet on the sitcom Parks and Recreation
  • Grunt, the chocolate cutie in the 1980s movie Flashdance
I bet you’ll recognize some of these famous pit bull caregivers:
  • Helen Keller
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • John Steinbeck
  • Mel Brooks
  • Brad Pitt
  • Orlando Bloom
  • Madonna
  • Jon Stewart
  • Sergeant Stubby was a war hero of World War I.
  • Tahoe, Cheyenne and Dakota were 9/11 search-and-rescue pit bulls.
  • Popsicle is the number-one customs dog in the United States.

The danger: being attacked by kisses. By: maplegirlie
 4. They Are Too Dangerous to Be Around Children
Pibbles can be the cuddliest, most tolerant and sweet dogs there are, but it would be irresponsible to assume they all are. Taking the steps to safeguard your family (both the four-legged and the two-legged members) can make the greatest difference.
Thousands of pit bulls are lucky enough to be in homes with respectful children without issue.
Often pit bulls form bonds with their child family members, but that’s true only when the adults make responsible decisions about socializing their dogs and teaching their children how to behave around the family pup.

5. They Are Aggressive Toward All Dogs

Pit bulls across the country are well-adjusted members of multi-dog households. They are well socialized and participate in puppy playdates and dog park parties.
Pit bulls are certainly capable of living with other pets, dogs and cats both, happily and harmoniously.
However, all dogs should be introduced to unfamiliar pets slowly and under close supervision to avoid a potential disaster. Although lots of pit bulls can live closely and comfortably with other pets, many must be single pets because they don’t get along with other dogs or cats.
To ensure your young pit bull stays pet-friendly, socialize him regularly and have him neutered early to avoid potential aggressive tendencies.

6. They Have the Strongest Jaws of Any Breed

As I mentioned above, all dogs have strong jaws. Pit bulls don’t actually have unusual jaw strength, despite the rumors. In a study measuring the bite pressure of three strong breeds — Rottweiler, German shepherd and American pit bull terrier — the pit bull came out on the bottom of the list.
The Rottweiler emerged highest, with a jaw strength of 328 pounds per square inch (PSI). The pit bull was almost 100 pounds PSI lower, at 235 pounds PSI.
For more pit bull lies and truths, check out this video:
So the next time someone tries to teach you a myth about the lovable and misunderstood pit bull, feel free to set that person straight. And if you’re walking a pit bull, maybe you can even talk that skeptic into giving your lovebug a little friendly pat!


more to come.....

Sunday 12 June 2016

Dogsbite is a scam

dogsandethicsWritten by Jesse Miller, an Ethics PhD seeking to understand and improve our relationships with dogs.

Myth and falsehood of an entirely different kind are the purview of Dogsbite.

The site claims to be "a research and education nonprofit organization dedicated to conducting research on the growing, but underreported, public safety issue of severe and fatal dog attacks inflicted by well-documented dangerous dog breeds", but is in fact little more than a campaign for the destruction of pit bulls.

Dogsbite runs a slick operation, and is often mistaken for an expert voice on the issue of dog aggression and breed-specific legislation, but in fact it has been demonstrated to be no such thing. The "academic" who is supposed to lend authority to their claims, Merritt Clifton, has repeatedly been shown to have engaged in professional fraud. Furthermore, the evidence he has put forward has been dissected and demonstrated to be lacking in basic logical sense.

The website publishes news articles about dog attacks, albeit selectively, choosing to report most thoroughly on pit bull attacks and rarely mentioning any other breed. 

Such bias makes an untrustworthy source of information and a reservoir of disturbingly violent opinion, covered with a patina of concern for safety and help for victims.
Please sign our petition calling for mainstream media to boycott

source...... The Dodo

Friday 10 June 2016

Tips on how to stop dogfighting

Much like factory farming, dog fighting is an abuse that goes on behind closed doors and that people from various backgrounds may participate in it.
As Matthew Bershadker, president and CEO of the ASPCA, writes, “Lawyers, judges, teachers, high school football coaches and veterinary technicians have all been arrested in connection to dog fighting."

"People involved in dog fighting also span racial and socioeconomic boundaries.”

This diverse participation highlights the fact that dog fights are not isolated incidents – they are often planned events which people consciously involve themselves in. What’s more, dog fighting is a criminal activity and is marked by cruelty from start to finish.
Dogs, mostly pit bull-type canines, are subjected to drug use, beatings, neglect, and even starvation to be trained into becoming aggressive fighters.

Once these dogs enter the fighting pit, they suffer terrible injuries including stripped skin, deep gashes, and broken bones. If a dog does not perform well or loses, trainers have been known to kill their previously “prized” dogs by hanging, drowning, shooting or electrocution.

In addition to animal abuse, other crimes surround the dog fighting world including theft, drug use or possession, illegal weapons, illegal gambling, and even homicide, in some cases, according to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
Dog fighting is a serious crime and, without the help of caring citizens, it cannot be stopped. Learn how you can take action to end cruel dog fights by following one (or all) of the 10 steps below.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Issue

There are three types of dog fighting operations: street fighting, hobbyist fighting, and professional fighting.
  • Street fighting is rather informal and can occur just about anywhere – in a back alley or even on a playground. As the ASPCA reports, these spur-of-the-moment fights are most often “associated with gang activities” and can be “triggered by insults, turf invasion, or the simple taunt, ‘My dog can kill yours.’”
  • Hobbyist fighting is a more organized operation with planned fights occurring a few times a year with the aim of “entertainment” and earning additional income. These fighters may travel across state lines to participate in events.
  • Professional fighting is the most organized of the three types of dog fighting operations and is the type that football player Michael Vickengaged in. At this level, fighters “have a large number of dogs (as many as 50 or more) and earn money from breeding, selling and fighting dogs at a central location or on the road,” according to the ASPCA.
Since there are a wide variety of issues associated with dog fighting, it is best to read literature from different sources to understand its depth and breadth. To learn more about this crime, visit any of the following organizations online for additional information:

2. Identify the Signs

Since dog fighting is considered an “underground” activity, it can be very difficult to pinpoint when it occurs. However, there are signs which can help you tip off local authorities to potential fighting operations.
According to the HSUS, these signs may include:
  • Pit bulls on heavy chains

  • Scarred dogs, especially pit bulls
  • bait dogShow more reactions
  • Treadmills

  • Fighting pit, often with “scratch lines”

  • Vitamins, drugs and vet supplies

  • Breaking sticks

  • Jenny mill or cat mill

  • Dog fighting publications
  • Springpole


3. Report Dog Fighting

If you witness a dog fight, the first thing you should do is call 911, since dog fighting is a felony crime in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Provide as much information as you can to the 911 dispatcher including the date and time, a description of the activities and those involved (both people and animals), and the location of the fight. Photographic and video evidence can also play an important role in prosecuting abusers, but never put yourself in harm’s way or become a spectator.
If you have not witnessed a dog fight, but suspect this type of activity is happening in your community, you can contact your local animal control and provide a description of your concern which may include identifying the signs listed out in action step number two. You can also call a dog fighting hotline such as the HSUS tip line, which offers a reward of up to $5,000 if a tip leads to the conviction of a dogfighter. Check out One Green Plant’s Animal Rescue Hotline directory to find dog fighting hotlines in your community.

Anti-DogFighting Campaign - Facebook

4. Tip Off the Media

After you have contacted the proper authorities and alerted them to a dog fight in progress or suspected dog fighting activities, you can also contact your local media outlets and provide them with tips about what is happening (or has happened) in your community. Media channels are always searching for stories and investigative ones may spark great interest. What’s more, working with the media has the potential to raise awareness about dog fighting and the plight of fighting dogs. Even if you may not have details about suspected fighting activities, you can always pitch local media outlets about dog fighting rescue stories as they also have the potential to garner a large amount of attention.

5. Contact Elected Officials

Even though dog fighting is already a felony in all 50 states, loopholes can be closed and penalties can be increased through legislation and amendments. To encourage policy change in your community, be sure to contact your elected officials either at the local, state, or national level and ask them to support any pending dog fighting legislation or other bills aimed at increasing animal cruelty charges.
If you would like to take this action a step further, you can schedule a meeting with your state legislators to discuss implementing a recommended amendmentdrafted by the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) which would “enable prosecutors to charge dogfighters under the respective state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act (commonly referred to as “RICO”) statue. Applied to animal fighting, RICO … would give prosecutors increased muscle in seeking justice for animals abused … and executed by their owners,” as the ALDF reports.

6. Sign Petitions

Signing online petitions is an easy way to help animals without leaving your home. Petitions may require less than a minute to sign (or just a bit longer if you choose to personalize your message), but they can have far-reaching impacts as they are increasingly becoming a standard method of action against injustices. Search “dog fighting” on and Care2 to find current petitions related to ending cruel dog fights and strengthening action against them.

7. Educate Others

There are a variety of ways you can educate others about dog fighting and its victims. One of the easiest ways to get involved is by spreading the word using social media — share fact sheets, take action opportunities, rescue stories, photos, and videos. If you prefer a slightly elevated action, consider printing out posters and posting them around your local community. The HSUS has two types available – one set that details how to spot dog fighting and another sheet that provides information about a $5,000 tip reward.
To take public education one step further, consider hosting a screening of “Off the Chain,” a documentary which traces how the image of American Pit Bull Terriers has changed throughout American culture with a special focus on how these dogs are used and abused for dog fighting.

8. Dispel Myths about Pit Bulls

While there are a number of dog breeds used in fighting operations including Dogo Argentino, Presa Canario, Fila Brasilerio, and the Tosa Inu, American Pit Bull Terriers are considered the “dog of choice.” Yet, simply because dogfighters favor pit bulls for their blood sport does not mean pit bulls are inherently dangerous. Rather, they are forced into adopting aggressive behaviors through cruel training methods aimed at preparing them for a fight to the death.
If treated with kindness and trained properly, pits bulls are like any other dog– they just want to give love and be loved, if only we’d give them the chance.
Since pit bulls are often victims of dog fighting and negative stereotypes, you can help improve their lot by dispelling myths about them through social media, letters to the editor, and other forms of advocacy. You can also spread around positive pit bull press such as video reports about pit bulls saving people or any heartwarming rescue stories like the following:

9. Support Local Shelters and Rescues

By supporting a local shelter or rescue through volunteering, fundraising, or donations, you are helping to save the lives of abandoned and abused animals. This is an important step in stamping out any type of cruelty — dog fighting or otherwise — as it helps take care of abuse victims and increases compassion for (and awareness about) them.
Consider supporting shelters or rescues that are known to care for pit bull-type dogs and take in former fighting dogs such as Detroit Bully CorpsVillalobos Rescue CenterBella-Reed Pit Bull RescueAmbassador Pit Bulls RescueLovers Not Fighters Pit Bull Rescue, or Best Friends Animal Society.

10. Volunteer for an Animal Rescue Team

In addition to supporting local shelters and rescues, you can become an active member of an animal rescue network and be directly involved in saving animals from fighting operations and other cruelty situations. Contact your local animal shelter or control and inquiry about animal rescue volunteer opportunities that may exist. You can also check out the HSUS’s Animal Rescue Team which helps “save animals who are victims of illegal animal cruelty and natural disasters.”