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Monday, 25 January 2016

Dana N Steven attacking Devon Cole

Isn't this typical they come to our pages mouth of totally unsubstantiated so called facts and then go back to their hate groups posting it about it claiming victories and/or singling out individuals for particular scrutiny.

Interestingly if we go to their pages/groups we're trolls, pitnutters etc whereas they come to our pages and they're advocates with an educational community safety based message??

If you do not like what is said in a group, do not be reading in it, crybaby.
8 people like this.
Bill Hyslop Which group was this? What did you say?
Like16 hrs
Dana N Steven Bully Breed Owners United. They had a post, so I politely gave my insight. Some were polite, some just kept bashing me. Then they all got mad to see I am in these groups and hate pits! I never denied it, lol. I do understand some people just love their dog, doesn't mean I agree.
Like216 hrs
Bill Hyslop So I went and had a look around bully breeds owners. Certainly not my kind of place.
Like316 hrs
Dana N Steven I just let it go, they're pretty mad lol, but they will all chime in now that I stopped responding.
Like315 hrs
Dana N Steven They are still going in my notifications. The same, decades older than me, self-absorbed nutters, and they keep adding up comments even though I stopped ages ago . Why did they wait until I lost interest to bash me? I guess having a life and choosing to not argue makes me "scared away"? All they are doing is showing their true cowardice. What a bunch of tools. I did not mean to provoke anyone, just thought others would enjoy the hypocrisy and cowardice. If I am a threat online, wait til they see the damage I do offline to their stupid baby killers. Unlike them, a lot of us leave our computers and make changes, raise awareness. They cannot even handle one debate without all jumping in and hurling insults, classless nagging at a person not responding. A few of them need therapy lol.

Besides. We all know one day shitbulls will be wiped out and it will be their fault.

Like414 hrsEdited

Well I'm certain that Devon Cole would have a response disputing everything this individual has to say and I bet she could do it with out all the character assassinating too.

What they don't understand is that all this disinformation and cyber bullying does little to nothing for their cause but more so recruits new followers to our cause and further galvanizes our resolve and intention to advocate for all victims.

more to come......

Saturday, 16 January 2016

10 Benefits of Being a Dog Owner

filed under: AnimalsdogsListsscience

The war between cat and dog people is vicious and will probably never end. Here’s some ammunition for the next time you are talking to one of those horrible cat lovers.


If our cleaning commercials are to be believed, humanity is in the midst of a war against germs—and we won’t stop until every single one is dead. In reality, the amount of disinfecting we do is making us sicker; since our bodies are exposed to fewer germs we can’t build up immunities to them. Fortunately, dogs are covered in germs! Having a dog in the house means more bacteria enters the home and gets inside the occupants (one study found “dog-related biodiversity” is especially high on pillowcases.) In turn, people with dogs seem to get ill less frequently and less severely than people with cats or no pets.


While dogs can be one of the worst triggers for people with allergies, growing up in a house with a dog makes children less likely to develop allergies over the course of their lives. Even if you were just a fetus when your mother lived with a dog, you are still less likely to be bothered by animal hair and dander, or to develop eczema as an adult.


Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners. Even for those people who do become clinically depressed, having a pet to take care of can help them out of a depressive episode, in some cases more effectively even than medication. Since taking care of a dog requires a routine and forces you to stay at least a little active, it is harder to stay inside feeling down all the time. The interaction with and love received from a dog can also help people stay positive. Even the mere act of looking at your pet increases the amount of Oxytocin, the “feel good” chemical, in the brain.


Everything about owning a dog seems to lend itself to better heart health. Just the act of petting a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure. A Chinese study found that people who own dogs get better sleep at night and are sick less often. Other studies show pet owners have slightly lower cholesterol and are more likely to survive a heart attack.


While other pets have positive effects on your health as well, dogs have the added benefit of needing to be walked and played with numerous times a day. This means most dog owners get the recommended minimum 30 minutes of exercise a day, lowering their risk of cardiovascular disease and keeping them in better overall shape than cat owners or people without pets.


Polls show people trust others who have dogs more than just random people walking on the street and are more likely to go up and interact with them. Even if you live alone, having a dog has the same emotional benefit as that of a human friendship.


Your dog could save your life one day. It seems that our canine friends have the ability to smell cancer in the human body. Stories abound of owners whose dogs kept sniffing or licking a mole or lump on their body so they got it checked out, discovering it was cancerous. The anecdotal evidence was later backed up by scientific studies. Dogs are so good at this that some of them are trained to detect cancer, in as little as three hours.


The kind of dog you have tells people a lot about your personality. A study in England found a very clear correlation between people’s personalities and what type of dogs they owned; for example, people who owned toy dogs tended to be more intelligent, while owners of utility dogs like Dalmatians and bulldogs were the most conscientious. Other studies have found that dog owners in general are more outgoing and friendly than cat owners. But be careful: Dogs also take on their owners' personality traits, so if you fly off the handle all the time, it might explain why your dog is so aggressive.


The benefits of bringing a dog to work are so increasingly obvious that more companies are catching on. Studies show that people who interact with a pet while working have lower stress levels throughout the day, while people who do not bring a pet see their stress levels increase over time. Dogs in the office also lead to people taking more breaks, to play with or walk the dog, which makes them more energized when they return to work. This, in turn, has been shown to lead to much greater job satisfaction and productivity.


This story originally ran in 2013.
courtesy of....
more to come....

Monday, 11 January 2016

Elton Camp - "Hit the accelerator or the brake?"

Looks like our old friend Elton Camp has given up on his poetry and taken up stalking and cyberbullying it seems, as you can see he's found a suitable candidate on "instagram" he's downloaded his pictures with the clear intention of sharing this man's pictures to his hate group as fodder. ?

Hit the accelerator or the brake?
4 people like this.
Debbie Leland Depends on how much of a pile your car is &/or how good your insurance is !
Like122 hrs
Patricia Forbell I see 2 white speed bumps oops 
Like418 hrs
Patricia Forbell Right  id be like hmm I didn't know speed bumps made noises 
Like317 hrs
Lew Heifner forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, cop, "why did you run them over 50 times? " me; "I ran out of gas"...
Like514 hrs
Gary Young LOL... best one yet..!
Like213 hrs
Barbara Ghiselin HIT THE GAS!!
Like413 hrs
Marty Johncox It is never appropriate to wish for the death of an animal, or to make jokes about killing them - even a pit bull - when they are not engaged in killing or hurting someone or an innocent pet. Tactically, it's a bad idea because these are the kinds of c...See More
Like38 hrs
Lew Heifner Yes and no, it is "fun" for me to relieve some frustration at the human deaths with some tongue in cheek dark humor.
Like18 hrs
Marty Johncox I can understand the need to do something like that. But there are better outlets, ones that don't advocate animal cruelty. I made this game, for example.
Like37 hrs
Barbara Ghiselin Marty Johncox- I agree- I just wrote that in frustration- NO ANIMAL should ever suffer for 1 second- even P.B.s- they are just doing what they were bred for- I just wish we could ban breeders and evil, irresponsible owners. But if I ever saw one of the BEASTS attacking another animal or a person I would not hesitate to use my car (which happens to be a Volvo) to protect them - that's all I meant to say
Like17 hrs

And as you can see these hate filled individuals jumped straight on the crazy train exploring different scenario's supposedly legitimizing the killing of innocent pets it's hardly advocate type behavior?

"Really? You actually think you have a right to use the public sidewalk? You must be some special type of stupid, human!"
8 people like this.
Aaron Wood cold, dead and soulless eyes.
Like423 hrs
Debbie Leland This is very rude...I'm not a townie but I thought it was common courtesy to heel your dog on the side away from ppl.
Like322 hrs
Patricia Forbell It is Debbie but common courtesy rules and respect? Lmao... pit shit owners don't know the meaning... UNLESS it applies to their monsters!
Like619 hrs
Aaron Wood Exactly right, they always say blame the owner, not the breed. Except when it applies to themselves, then it's the victim's fault
Like719 hrs
Patricia Forbell I lmao when cops blow their pits head off... Then all of a sudden, it become the cops fault
Like818 hrs
Marty Johncox Next I'll add one, "You shouldn't have been on the sidewalk."
Like517 hrs

As you can see it wasn't just one post Elton Camp has launched a full on cyber attack on this mans innocent pets just because he thinks they look like pit bulls?

The night stalkers.
4 people like this.
Adam Combs Again, empty eyes, empty soul.
Like223 hrs
Tim Camp Is it just me or is that the same 2 Pitts in most the pics ?
Like22 hrs
Adam Combs Ye, same halters, They just somehow got out at various times of the day. Maybe waiting for the school bus or an old timer with some good appetizers at the end of the leash,
Like222 hrs

There's no apparent reason for Elton Camp's attack it's completely unprovoked and focused on the pets once again because he thinks they don't deserve to live as they look like pit bulls very sick and nasty individual?

Bubba vows he'll never hitchhike again.
3 people like this.
Lisa Gaffney Ugly ass mutts
Like223 hrs

Anyone recognizing this individual please contact him and inform him of this blog to use as evidence as this seems to be a clear case of cyber stalking?

The victim

The perpetrators "The Pit Bull Problem" alleged victims advocacy Facebook group?

Unfortunately this sort of behavior becoming normal operating procedure for pit bull haters and breed specific legislation proponents as the legislation is being repealed and legislated aginst at an ever increasing rate and as a result these people are becoming increasingly desperate resorting to bullying and stalking.

The fact is there's not one legitimate canine expert organization that supports breed specific legislation and even the American Bar Associated has advised local municipalities to use Bsl.

more to come.....