And as you can see these hate filled individuals jumped straight on the crazy train exploring different scenario's supposedly legitimizing the killing of innocent pets it's hardly advocate type behavior?
"Really? You actually think you have a right to use the public sidewalk? You must be some special type of stupid, human!"
As you can see it wasn't just one post Elton Camp has launched a full on cyber attack on this mans innocent pets just because he thinks they look like pit bulls?
There's no apparent reason for Elton Camp's attack it's completely unprovoked and focused on the pets once again because he thinks they don't deserve to live as they look like pit bulls very sick and nasty individual?
Anyone recognizing this individual please contact him and inform him of this blog to use as evidence as this seems to be a clear case of cyber stalking?
The victim
The perpetrators "The Pit Bull Problem" alleged victims advocacy Facebook group?
Unfortunately this sort of behavior becoming normal operating procedure for pit bull haters and breed specific legislation proponents as the legislation is being repealed and legislated aginst at an ever increasing rate and as a result these people are becoming increasingly desperate resorting to bullying and stalking.
The fact is there's not one legitimate canine expert organization that supports breed specific legislation and even the American Bar Associated has advised local municipalities to use Bsl.
more to come.....
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