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Monday, 11 January 2016

Elton Camp - "Hit the accelerator or the brake?"

Looks like our old friend Elton Camp has given up on his poetry and taken up stalking and cyberbullying it seems, as you can see he's found a suitable candidate on "instagram" he's downloaded his pictures with the clear intention of sharing this man's pictures to his hate group as fodder. ?

Hit the accelerator or the brake?
4 people like this.
Debbie Leland Depends on how much of a pile your car is &/or how good your insurance is !
Like122 hrs
Patricia Forbell I see 2 white speed bumps oops 
Like418 hrs
Patricia Forbell Right  id be like hmm I didn't know speed bumps made noises 
Like317 hrs
Lew Heifner forward, back, forward, back, forward, back, cop, "why did you run them over 50 times? " me; "I ran out of gas"...
Like514 hrs
Gary Young LOL... best one yet..!
Like213 hrs
Barbara Ghiselin HIT THE GAS!!
Like413 hrs
Marty Johncox It is never appropriate to wish for the death of an animal, or to make jokes about killing them - even a pit bull - when they are not engaged in killing or hurting someone or an innocent pet. Tactically, it's a bad idea because these are the kinds of c...See More
Like38 hrs
Lew Heifner Yes and no, it is "fun" for me to relieve some frustration at the human deaths with some tongue in cheek dark humor.
Like18 hrs
Marty Johncox I can understand the need to do something like that. But there are better outlets, ones that don't advocate animal cruelty. I made this game, for example.
Like37 hrs
Barbara Ghiselin Marty Johncox- I agree- I just wrote that in frustration- NO ANIMAL should ever suffer for 1 second- even P.B.s- they are just doing what they were bred for- I just wish we could ban breeders and evil, irresponsible owners. But if I ever saw one of the BEASTS attacking another animal or a person I would not hesitate to use my car (which happens to be a Volvo) to protect them - that's all I meant to say
Like17 hrs

And as you can see these hate filled individuals jumped straight on the crazy train exploring different scenario's supposedly legitimizing the killing of innocent pets it's hardly advocate type behavior?

"Really? You actually think you have a right to use the public sidewalk? You must be some special type of stupid, human!"
8 people like this.
Aaron Wood cold, dead and soulless eyes.
Like423 hrs
Debbie Leland This is very rude...I'm not a townie but I thought it was common courtesy to heel your dog on the side away from ppl.
Like322 hrs
Patricia Forbell It is Debbie but common courtesy rules and respect? Lmao... pit shit owners don't know the meaning... UNLESS it applies to their monsters!
Like619 hrs
Aaron Wood Exactly right, they always say blame the owner, not the breed. Except when it applies to themselves, then it's the victim's fault
Like719 hrs
Patricia Forbell I lmao when cops blow their pits head off... Then all of a sudden, it become the cops fault
Like818 hrs
Marty Johncox Next I'll add one, "You shouldn't have been on the sidewalk."
Like517 hrs

As you can see it wasn't just one post Elton Camp has launched a full on cyber attack on this mans innocent pets just because he thinks they look like pit bulls?

The night stalkers.
4 people like this.
Adam Combs Again, empty eyes, empty soul.
Like223 hrs
Tim Camp Is it just me or is that the same 2 Pitts in most the pics ?
Like22 hrs
Adam Combs Ye, same halters, They just somehow got out at various times of the day. Maybe waiting for the school bus or an old timer with some good appetizers at the end of the leash,
Like222 hrs

There's no apparent reason for Elton Camp's attack it's completely unprovoked and focused on the pets once again because he thinks they don't deserve to live as they look like pit bulls very sick and nasty individual?

Bubba vows he'll never hitchhike again.
3 people like this.
Lisa Gaffney Ugly ass mutts
Like223 hrs

Anyone recognizing this individual please contact him and inform him of this blog to use as evidence as this seems to be a clear case of cyber stalking?

The victim

The perpetrators "The Pit Bull Problem" alleged victims advocacy Facebook group?

Unfortunately this sort of behavior becoming normal operating procedure for pit bull haters and breed specific legislation proponents as the legislation is being repealed and legislated aginst at an ever increasing rate and as a result these people are becoming increasingly desperate resorting to bullying and stalking.

The fact is there's not one legitimate canine expert organization that supports breed specific legislation and even the American Bar Associated has advised local municipalities to use Bsl.

more to come.....

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